This image was generated by MidJourney in response to a series of prompts that I constructed. It captures the big idea that I had in mind for a cover. But I could not convey the more subtle style that I was imagining. I was torn between wanting the book to be entirely human created and wanting to illustrate it with generative AI. In the end I decided on the traditional cover design method. Why? (1) I wanted everything to be the work of my creative team, (2) I was concerned that AI generated content cannot be copyrighted, and (3) there is concern among authors that, to block 100% AI written books from their catalog, Amazon may refuse to sell any material that has a “high” AI content level. Authors could not survive if they got lumped into that last one.
Time We Discuss Podcast
Dan and I discuss the role of the Chief Technology Officer - what a CTO does, how one reaches the position, and some interesting stories about my own experiences in the role. Listen Here.