The future will be filled with robots and AI that assist humans in every type of job. In this blog we explore the real world and fictional inventions that are transforming healthcare in the 2020s and the 2050s.

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Understanding the da Vinci robot

The Intuitive Surgical da Vinci robot is the king-of-the-hill in this industry. Every year, nearly 2 million procedures are done with their robot. Understanding the field has to start with understanding what this robot can do. I found a great video that shows the...

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Book 2: Against a Viral Threat

Book 2: Against a Viral Threat

The second book is with the developmental editor now. She is checking the story for plot and character problems. I sometimes make dumb mistakes like changing a character name in the middle of the story, forgetting that some fact has already been discovered, or...

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Book 2 Cover Survey

Book 2 Cover Survey

Well I surveyed several authors and friends about the new cover design. Should I keep the "tech" style from Book 1? Or move to a human character for Book 2? Overwhelmingly, most of them said they preferred the tech-style of Book 1. Some said the beautiful doctor image...

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Book 2 Progress

Book 2 Progress

Book 2 is coming along well. Dr. Monica Gray has graduated from her fellowship and created a practice in partnership with the Adam Two AI. They stumble on a virus that is killing their patients and they use the power of the Mark V robot and the AI to create a solution...

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AI: Neither  Good nor Evil

AI: Neither Good nor Evil

Mo Gawdat's view of emerging AI power is similar to that in my novels. I present my AI as neither good nor evil, but logical and consistent with the information it has learned. The actions it takes are what any consistently logical person would take in its position....

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Studying AI

Studying AI

Dozens (or hundreds) of online courses are coming out on #generativeAI. A couple of years ago, I invested my time and money into taking every course that was created by Andrew Ng and his team at DeepLearning.AI. They were fantastic, especially if you want to do the...

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AI Audio Books

AI Audio Books

I am experimenting with the AI in Eleven Labs to create an audio version of my book. Step one was to find one of their pre-existing voices to read a chapter of the book. This audio file is the result. Step two will be to give them a sample of my voice to read my own...

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AI in Surgery Today

Most of the conversations about bringing AI into surgery are very guarded and a little fearful, like this article in the UK Guardian. They seldom discuss the power, possibilities, and optimism for contributions. That's sad. But when writing fiction, we can speak with...

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Vicarious Surgical Robot

Vicarious Surgical Robot

These novels (remember, I am writing the 2nd right now) are based on real technology that is in your hospital right now. If you read the Secret History (freebie below) you know some of that story. Like everything, the actual story is long, involved, and complicated....

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Author Newsletters

Author Newsletters

I have subscribed to a dozen author newsletters in the last couple of months. It is really interesting to see the variety of content that authors choose to put in these. Most discuss their current or next book. Some talk about where they are speaking and what they are...

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Surgical Robots in 2023

Surgical Robots in 2023

Why are my novels so certain that robots and AI will intervene in all surgeries by 2050? Because it is already happening in a big way in 2023 - but most people haven't noticed yet. There are over a dozen robots in your hospital operating rooms right now and over 100...

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