AI Audio Books

AI Audio Books

I am experimenting with the AI in Eleven Labs to create an audio version of my book. Step one was to find one of their pre-existing voices to read a chapter of the book. This audio file is the result. Step two will be to give them a sample of my voice to read my own...

AI in Surgery Today

Most of the conversations about bringing AI into surgery are very guarded and a little fearful, like this article in the UK Guardian. They seldom discuss the power, possibilities, and optimism for contributions. That’s sad. But when writing fiction, we can speak...
Vicarious Surgical Robot

Vicarious Surgical Robot

These novels (remember, I am writing the 2nd right now) are based on real technology that is in your hospital right now. If you read the Secret History (freebie below) you know some of that story. Like everything, the actual story is long, involved, and complicated....
Author Newsletters

Author Newsletters

I have subscribed to a dozen author newsletters in the last couple of months. It is really interesting to see the variety of content that authors choose to put in these. Most discuss their current or next book. Some talk about where they are speaking and what they are...

ChatGPT will write a book for you! … Really?

We are all hearing about the power of GPT to write books, marketing copy, character summaries, etc. But if you listen to those making the claim you will hear .. a breathless message of astonishment … an admonition that authors better hurry to use it … the...