Time We Discuss Podcast

Time We Discuss Podcast

Dan and I discuss the role of the Chief Technology Officer – what a CTO does, how one reaches the position, and some interesting stories about my own experiences in the role. Listen Here.

The Health Connective Podcast

Following the 2024 Annual Meeting of the Society for Robotic Surgery, I was a guest on the Health Connective podcast where we dicussed advances in robotic surgery devices – to include new robots, telesurgery, AI, and the impressive advances made by Chinese and...
Ecuador’s Crochet Masks

Ecuador’s Crochet Masks

Aya Huma Mask (Diablo Huma-Huma Devil) In Ecuador and Peru, the winter solstice is sometimes still celebrated by honoring the Incan sun god, Inti. Some mistakenly consider this a summer solstice ceremony, apparently forgetting that, except in Colombia and the northern...
Robotic Surgeon Story Timeline

Robotic Surgeon Story Timeline

The Robotic Surgeon series is just beginning to develop branches. Before it gets too complicated, I wanted to create a timeline showing where each story goes and identifying each as part of this universe. I am already working on the fourth full novel and have a good...